Windows Azure Pack

The underlying technology that we use for the Everleap cloud hosting platform is Windows Azure Pack, the same technology that Microsoft uses to run their Azure hosting platform. Azure Pack is the foundation, but we have used it to build a cloud offering that runs in our own data center. We also built our own control panel to make it easy for you to cloud-enable your website without a steep learning curve.

This is the next generation of web hosting services

Most of it will be familiar to you, but the engine that runs it is a vast improvement over traditional web hosting. This is a powerful, premium grade cloud platform that provides reliability and scalability options that are rapidly becoming essential on today's web.

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Why you should use Everleap

We've been delivering web hosting and web application hosting services for .NET developers for more than a decade and a half at DiscountASP.NET. We built Everleap so we could offer a scalable cloud hosting platform. Something that isn't possible on the traditional DiscountASP.NET platform. A lot of hosts call services built on those traditional platforms "cloud," but we set out to offer a true cloud hosting service that isn't "cloud" in name only.

Predictable, flat, fixed pricing

One of the major selling points for the big cloud providers is that you pay as you go. That kind of metered usage is great for huge web sites that experience serious usage spikes or scaling issues. But if you aren't managing a huge website the unpredictable monthly costs associated with metered usage can make budget management difficult. We offer two plans and you can compare the pricing here.

Fully managed services

Many people think of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) when they hear "cloud hosting." Typically this means unmanaged VMs or VPS hosting. That is not what you will find at Everleap. Our cloud hosting solution is fully managed. You don't have to worry about managing the O/S, security patches, or service updates.

Bundled services

We bundle many services that are typically additional charges at other cloud providers. You'll pay extra for all of these services at the big cloud providers (if they are available), but they are all included in every Everleap plan:

  • Disk space
  • Large amounts of bandwidth
  • Email service
  • Emailing from application
  • DNS service
  • SQL 2022, 2019, 2017 and MySQL databases
  • SQL 2016/2012 Reporting Services
  • SNI SSL (IP based SSL is also available)

Questions about Windows Azure Pack? Contact us.

Technical Support is included for free

Indidual support from the big cloud providers comes at a cost. We think you should expect expert technical support to be part of your hosting service, so at Everleap, it is. "Always There" technical support is available through our Help Center. Require further discussion or deeper investigation? We can arrange a callback or a shared desktop video session.

Onboarding Assistance

Getting started can be the most frustrating aspect of a new web hosting account if you haven't used the platform before. We're happy to answer any questions you have at any stage of migration. We'll even help you migrate your existing site to Everleap. We can install many open source and some commercial apps for you, and provide free consultation on how best to utilize and set up your hosting service to meet your needs. We pride ourselves on providing a level of personal attention that you cannot find at any of the big cloud services.

Don't take our word for it, help yourself to a 30 day free trial and try Everleap without any risk.

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Hosting and Managed IT & Cybersecurity Solutions for your Business